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After 6-8 weeks of lockdown, American businesses and workers are looking to return to work and reopen their doors. The question for many executives and business owners is, “When can my staff return to work and how can they do so as safely as possible?”

Premier can help with that. Download our sample Return To Work Questionnaire below.

This form was designed to assist our team in safely transitioning our employees as they return to the office environment. Use this sample form as a guideline designed by our team of HR & Business Operation experts as you prepare the return to work strategy for your valued team members.

[convertkit form=1384854]

*This form is a “sample” questionnaire Premier is using as we transition our workforce to a safe and healthy office environment. This is only a sample questionnaire. We encourage you to consult with your legal council before implementing your return to work strategy and questionnaire in your office place.
Premier - A Relation Company | Oklahoma Insurance Broker